Oxygen Production System
High Quality, 100% Made-In Turkey Medical Oxygen Production Systems

Medical Oxygen Generation Systems consist of an oxygen generator, a compressor, a refrigerant type dryer, a filter group, and air and oxygen storage tanks that produce high-purity oxygen ( - ) used extensively in hospital and industrial areas.

Oxygen Production System
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IQ Medikal
Oxygen Production System
Product Code: IQM-OUS-01
Compressor, Dryer, Pre-filter, Air Tank, Medical Oxygen Generation Unit, Medical Oxygen Storage Tank, Final Filter, Oxygen Pressure Monitor.

Oxygen Production System
The compressed air from the compressor passes through a dryer and special filters before being stored in an air tank. The stored air is then passed through a regulator to the Oxygen Generator at a constant pressure and flow rate. The PSA Oxygen Generator produces pure oxygen gas, which is stored in a stainless steel oxygen tank and made available for use at the desired purity, pressure, and flow rate.
The Oxygen Generator consists of two tanks containing zeolite. The compressed air, conditioned by the air treatment equipment, enters the first tank of the oxygen generator from the bottom and passes through all the zeolite in the tank, producing pure oxygen gas that is then sent to the oxygen storage tank. During this process, nitrogen, argon, carbon monoxide, and other gases are captured by the zeolite and released into the atmosphere through the exhaust.
Medical Gas Systems
We provide central medical gas system and material assembly installation, technical service and periodic maintenance in hospitals.
Medical Gas Equipments
We manufacture and sell flow meters, therapy devices, gas sockets, jacks and manometer valves.
Let us build&install the medical gas system you need.
Maintenance and Repair
Reparations&Periyodical maintenance for Medical Gas Systems
We can help you with all the details you need for your projects.
Why IQ Medikal?
Patient Safety
Our medical gas systems are specially designed for your hospital, prioritizing patient safety.
System Management
Our solutions are designed to streamline medical gas system management, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.
High quality products
Our products are manufactured in Turkey and are of the highest quality. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible solutions.
Infrastructure Contribution to Health Tourism
Turkey is a leading country in health tourism. Our company aims to establish the highest quality medical gas system infrastructure for healthcare facilities to benefit from this growing market.
Testimonials from Our Partners

Medical Gas Systems
Medical Oxygen Plant
Medical Emergency Manifold
Nitrous Oxide Plant
Oxygen Production Systems
Medical Vacuum Plant
Medical Air Plant
Patient Bed Head Units
ICU Patient Bed Head Units
VIP Bed Head Units
Wall Mounted Modules
Medical Gas Outlets
Visit our website for all of our products
+90 541 457 73 60
#medicalgassystem #medicalgas #medicalgases #iqmedikal

Medical Gas Systems
Medical Oxygen Plant
Medical Emergency Manifold
Nitrous Oxide Plant
Oxygen Production Systems
Medical Vacuum Plant
Medical Air Plant
Patient Bed Head Units
ICU Patient Bed Head Units
VIP Bed Head Units
Wall Mounted Modules
Medical Gas Outlets
Visit our website for all of our products
+90 541 457 73 60
#medicalgassystem #medicalgas #medicalgases #iqmedikal ...
Frequently asked questions
Medical Oxygen Generation Systems consist of an oxygen generator, a compressor, a refrigerant type dryer, a filter group, and air and oxygen storage tanks that produce high-purity oxygen ( - ) used extensively in hospital and industrial areas.
- Installation of Oxygen Production Systems is easy. You can start producing gas in a short period of time.
- You become your own supplier. You can produce oxygen gas continuously without interruption.
- You can transport and produce oxygen gas wherever you need it.
- It has low installation and operating costs.
- It operates solely on electricity. If you have electricity, you can produce oxygen.
- It has a long lifespan and requires minimal maintenance.
- There is no risk of explosion since the pressure is low.
- Easy installation and operation.
Medical oxygen production requires certain conditions, including:
A reliable source of electricity: Medical oxygen production systems require a reliable source of electricity to operate continuously and produce oxygen as needed.
Adequate space: Sufficient space is needed for the installation of the equipment, including the oxygen generator, compressor, and storage tanks.
Proper ventilation: Proper ventilation is important to ensure the safety of the system and prevent any potential buildup of gases.
High-quality air supply: The air supply that is used to produce oxygen must be of high quality and free of any contaminants that could compromise the purity of the oxygen produced.
Regular maintenance: Medical oxygen production systems require regular maintenance to ensure their continued operation and maintain the oxygen's purity.
Compliance with regulations: Medical oxygen production systems must comply with relevant regulations and standards to ensure their safety and efficacy in producing high-quality oxygen for medical use.
Medical gas pipelines ensure the safe, hygienic, and efficient distribution of oxygen, vacuum, anesthetic gases, and other medical gases to patients and other equipment in healthcare facilities. Medical gas cylinders are not suitable for meeting the needs of a built-in healthcare facility, as they limit mobility and require a large storage area. Medical gas pipelines simplify facility management by providing centralized gas distribution throughout the facility and also enable quick intervention during emergencies. Medical gas pipelines are considered an important element for healthcare facilities to function effectively.
Medical gas systems eliminate the costs associated with the use of medical gas cylinders by providing centralized distribution of gases from a single source in healthcare facilities. These systems also eliminate problems related to cylinder transport, storage, and management. Medical gas systems also eliminate the need for facility staff to deal with the storage, transport, and replacement of cylinders, allowing them to focus on other important tasks and save time. In addition, safety issues and mobility limitations related to the use and management of medical gas cylinders are eliminated. Therefore, medical gas systems reduce the costs of healthcare facilities, allow staff to use their time more efficiently, and make business processes more effective.